On Saturday, May 14, 2022 members of the Burlington community gathered at the Sculpture Park to celebrate the town’s purchase of Global Warming, the popular sculpture of yellow cherries, by Nikita Zigura, of Ukraine.
See photos from the dedication, below.
As the war in Ukraine broke out, the committee realized that purchasing the work, already planned on, had taken on new urgency.
Within a week we raised the full sum of $14,000 to buy the work, thus supporting the sculptor in time of crisis.
Here was the schedule for the event:
10:00 ~ Welcome
10:15 ~ Dedication of Sculpture (speaker NESA President Dr Elisa Adams)
10:25 ~ Story Time for kids – and get your craft!
10:40 ~ Poetry Readings
10:55 ~ The Ukrainian National Anthem
11:00 ~ Ilya Miropolsky Ukrainian History Presentation