A friend once asked me what would happen to the sculptures when it snows. I said I think they will look great in the snow. Today’s light snowfall gives us a chance to see how the sculptures react to snow.
Havoc has just a bit of snow, already melting.
Follow Your Heart is nicely outlined by the snow.
Woman and Child each still had a little snow-cap.
Dream Manifesting was dreaming with a little snow on the eyes.
The Lovebirds seemed ok with the snow.
Lumen, the dragonfly, still had some snow on its head.
Our Sunday Paper reading was not fazed at all by the snow.
Seraph didn't hold much snow since most of it it vertical panels.
Standing Stella didn't maintain a bit of snow.!
Edwin the Dragon looked quite frazzled, but Edwin always does.
The yellow cherries, whose real name is Global Warming, appreciated the irony of snow.