All works previously on display at The Burlington Sculpture Park will be available here, with photos and videos. The current works on display are shown here.

Meadow Dancer
On July 17, 2022, sculptor John BonSignore installed his Meadow Dancer at the Burlington Sculpture Park. Meadow Dancer is just one of a series of

Composition #1
On July 11, 2022, Chris Plaisted came to Burlington to take back his sculpture Endeavour and to install Composition #1 in its place. We had

On June 29, 2022, sculptor David Adilman installed his granite work, Pod, with help from a friend and from the Burlington DPW. Down this page

Rybee House #3
Here is how Stephen Klema describes this work: “The roofed sculptural bench designs of the “Rybee House” series incorporate a sense of whimsy and fantasy,

This work by Chris Plaisted was installed on. August 1, 2020. It is a welded steel sculpture, 96″ x 132″ x 72″. The work will

Next Stop Shibuya
(This work was uninstalled on June 2, 2022. A new work will be installed on that spot soon, but we will maintain this page and

Truth #1
Truth #1 is a work by Peter Dellert. It is a steel sculpture, 90 inches in diameter, weighing 600 pounds. The inside surfaces are painted